Saturday, June 20, 2009


Wow..what a crazy month this has been! Poor little Eden was having a very difficult time a few weeks ago. She was spitting up constantly, screaming shortly after every meal and not sleeping. Every time I would lay her down she would cry. I tried eliminating things from my diet, even cut out dairy but it still didn't seem to help. The doctor finally diagnosed her with infant GERD ((gastroesophageal reflux disease), the upward movement of stomach content, including acid, into the esophagus and sometimes into or out of the mouth) She starting on a medication two weeks ago and that did help with the spitting up however, I was still having trouble getting her to sleep anywhere but the swing and she still seemed to be having pain after meals. Yesterday she started on a second medication. Despite all this she is a very happy little girl. She loves her brother's and sister's and is never lacking in attention.
I am so proud of the other children; they have all been very patient with Eden. Many times we have had to pull over the car so I could comfort her and calm her down. This past weekend Blaine and Elijah had to wait almost two hours to get to the swimming pool with the other kids because Eden was having a rough time. Yet, neither of them complained.
Chris and I are very aware how quickly they grow up and even though it's a challenge to have a baby with GERD in no way do we want to rush things along. I still want to cherish every moment!